Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Church Pianist: Free Piano Solo with Chord Substitutions

Chord substitutions bring simple hymns to life!

I'll use the Key of C for easy application.

Hopefully you all know your chords by number.

For example, in the key of C: CEG is the one chord,

because it's built on the first note in the key of C.

DFA is the two chord because it's built on the second

note in the key of C, etc.

Simple Chord Substitutions:

1. The one chord (CEG) can be substituted with either

a iii (EGB) chord or a vi (ACE) chord. Why? Because

both chords have 2 notes in common with the C chord.

2. The IV chord (FAC) in the key of C, can be substituted

with a ii (DFA) chord or a vi (ACE) chord for the same reason.

Measure Description for: Just As I Am
(I'll use Roman Numerals for chord numbers)
Measure #2: iii chord replaced the I chord
Measure#4: Surprise! This is the 2 - 1 chord suspension I mentioned in
a previous lesson.
Measure#12: ii chord replacing a IV chord
Measure#14: vi chord replacing a I chord
All other substitutions in this piece will be addressed in future articles.
I want to avoid brain overload:)
Try these chord substitutions on: Near to the Heart of God or It is Well in the Key of C.

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