Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Church Pianist: The Art of Pedalling

Does your playing sound cloudy? Alot of pianists haven't
had the proper training when it comes to pedalling or....
maybe they have been self taught and just don't know any

I commend anyone who has been willing to serve as church
pianist no matter what training or lack of training you have had.

Here are a few tips for proper use of the pedal:

1. Sit at least elbow's distance from keyboard.
(This also allows your leg to be more at an angle
for better control of pedal).

I tell my students to pretend they are driving a car. (They love this!)

2. Lifting the pedal: Always lift the pedal as you are
playing down on the new chord.
Alot of pianists lift the pedal and their hands at the same time.
A big no-no! This causes choppy playing.
Pedalling should never be heard in the music.

3. Remember to keep your foot in contact with the pedal at all
times. You still lift up all the way but don't let go or you will
cause a tapping sound when restablishing contact.

A video describing the above technique would be most helpful.
Hopefully I have made myself clear.

Test yourself: Record yourself playing a hymn and listen to see how
clear it sounds with the pedal in use.

Just be more aware of producing a clear tone. The pedalling should
blend in and not be a distraction. You can do it!

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