Monday, December 1, 2008

The Church Pianist: Chord Substitution ( Using the II 7 and ii 7 )

New Website:

Any chord within a major scale
can be altered to create inter-

esting chord progressions in
gospel songs.

For example, in the key of C...

The ii 7 chord (DFAC) could be
changed to a major chord:
This would translate to:
D F# A C

This altered chord ( II 7 )
can substitute a I chord
moving into a V chord.

Example: C chord to a G chord

Wait! That's not all...a ii 7 then
replaces the V chord before re-
solving back to the V chord.

Required conditions for II 7:

Can be used when I chord
is already lasting for three
or more beats. This gives
developing time for the sub-

Required conditions for ii 7:

Can be used when V chord
is already lasting for at least
two beats.

See the first example on today's image
for Sweet Hour of Prayer. I labeled the
chord substitutions for clarification.

It always helps to see a concept applied
to several songs in different keys
before it makes sense.

Try these chord subsitutions in other
gospel songs for practice.

Hint: Look for a I chord lasting more
than three beats before moving to a V
chord that lasts at least two beats.

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