Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Church Pianist: Accompaniment Ideas for Only a Sinner

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Most of the chorus of Only a Sinner is the C chord..
well...that is....if you're in the key of C to start with :)

I'll share some accompaniment ideas for the chorus
of this lively hymn.

Editor notes for Only a Sinner
(excerpt from chorus only)

Measure one: (see beats two through four)

The following accompaniment idea works well when...
Soprano and alto parts are written in consecutive thirds
for a while during a monotone bass line (repeated bass notes).

Simply transfer the alto to the left hand in octave format and
delete the alto from the right hand for a more balanced harmony.

This produces a more open tone like I've discussed in previous

Measure two:

Couldn't help it...had to throw in a chord substitute! Can you guess
which one? It's the vi chord (a minor) in place of the C chord on
beat one.

Hmm...on beat four...can you see what's taking place? It's similar to
measure one's scenario. I added a fill in using consecutive thirds...
split between the hands...doubled up. Make sense?

Measure four:

My favorite part! I love to add runs but haven't shared many with
you because I have trouble deciphering my rhythm and trying to
get Finale to accept it:)

*Note the fingering in the right hand run for ease of movement. to get ready for prayer meeting. I pray you all have
a wonderful service tonight.



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