Friday, May 22, 2009

The Church Pianist: The Star Spangled Banner in Key of G (Part One)

My new website:

Some church pianists may say I'm committing
a crime by transposing the Star Spangled Banner.

Seriously, it's rather high for most people
in the average small church congregation.

Of course it has its lows at the beginning.

Extreme ranges to be sure!

Just thought I would share The Star Spangled
Banner in a lower key with the small church in

This is just part one of the Star Spangled Banner
in the key of G. I will post the remainder in the
next article.

The next post will also provide an audio of this
simple arrangement.

Hope it's useful to some of you church pianists.

1 comment:

Greg Howlett said...

Nice site. I know it is a lot of work.