Monday, August 3, 2009

The Church Pianist: Hymn Appreciation

Knowing the story behind a hymn
instills a deeper appreciation for the
hymn writer and its message.

Recently, I shared the unusual story
behind the writing of "There's Within
My Heart A Melody".

Such a happy tune and message...yet
born from a tragic accident.

Read the story:

I told you that I'd share the name of the book that
contained this hymn story and many more.

The book is entitled: "Hymn Histories" by Alfred Smith.

I had the privilege of accompanying Al Smith when he was
alive. ( I was a teenager at the time).

He would also share hymn stories...he actually knew some of
the composers personally....or friends of the hymn writers.

As a young girl, I heard Al Smith tell the stories behind some
of the great hymns of faith. The words of those hymns took
on new meaning as I sang them in church.

Alfred Smith was also a hymn writer. He wrote the well-known
hymn: "Surely Goodness and Mercy"....also the children's well-
loved chorus entitled: "Zaccheaus".

Our younger generation is losing their strong heritage of the great

hymns of faith. Why not bring a hymn to life by sharing its story?

See Alfred Smith's biography and "Hymn Histories" book at the

following links:


Natalie Wickham said...

I had the occasion to sit in on a number of hymn history classes with Al Smith. I was always amazed at his memory! He could recall minute details of various stories and experiences from years ago like it was just yesterday. Amazing!

Yuko said...

Hi Jenifer!

Thank you for sharing the information on Al Smith. I was looking forward to this and am interested in communicating this to my congregation. (Well, first I will need to do some translating)

I also like your new website. I know it take a lot of time and effort to keep a website running and I will continue to pray for you.

I am sure many will benefit from your arrangements and advices.

God bless you!

Yuko :)

Jenifer Cook said...

Glad you enjoyed the information on Al Smith.

He was such an inspiration!

Thanks for your prayers too.



robert said...

Thanks for the personal reminiscences about Al Smith. I've corresponded with his son, and do have Mr. Smith's book on hymn history--along with dozens of others. My many years of studying this subject, and sharing what I've learned confirm the view that congregations sing with more appreciation of a song and understanding of its message when they hear a bit about the author or the occasion for writing.

You might find my daily blog Wordwise Hymns a blessing. Each day I write about something that happened in hymn history on that date.