Here's an easy hymn improvising tip that
can create a more open; pleasing tone when
improvising with the left hand.
Any time you play a triad (in consecutive
thirds)...keep it above Bass C.
Actually, any three note chord begins to
sound muddy or heavy when played below
Bass C.
I just play a two note chord when playing
chords lower than Bass C.
I'll give some visual examples to help
clarify this simple improvising tip.
The examples are written at a easy level
for a hopefully, clear presentation.

Thanks so much for your arrangement of Just as I am. My daughter played this in our church this morning and someone from the congregation spoke of how she was moved by it.
My question is are these arrangments available?
Thanks again!
My email is
Your welcome:)
Are you asking if I have more arrangements available?
If so, I have more piano arrangements available (free) throughout this blog.
The following link will give you more specific info for my published arrangments in books and sheet music form:
(You may have to copy and paste this link in the search box)
Thanks for your kind words.
I accidentally posted the link just highlight and copy/paste the first link.
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