Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Church Pianist: Free Vocal Arrangement (Part Two)

Accompanying for a vocalist allows the pianist

to stray from the melody and play various patterns
within the chord frames.

Exception: This type of accompaniment may not work
well for the singer that needs the extra melody support.

Editor notes for today's music image.......

(Part Two 0f "My Jesus I Love Thee" )

Measure #14.....The right hand accompaniment moved
contrary to the melody for contrast.

Measure #15.....I added syncopation (rhythm)to left hand
for a bit of spice. Syncopation is as pepper to food....just
added as an accent here and there.

Measure #18.....Chord substitution (A major replaced the
F Major chord) The A Major chord is really just the iii chord
in F Major. The only difference....I changed the iii chord (ACE)
to a Major chord.....(AC#E).

Similar songs to try with the accompaniment ideas from

"My Jesus I Love Thee".....

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Like a River Glorious

Thanks for your visits!

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