Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Church Pianist: Improvising Hymns (Part One)

Short on time... but will share a simple fill-in idea
for hymns.

This improvisational idea works well at the end of
a verse.....leading into the chorus.

The following two ingredients are nesscary in order
to use this fill-in idea.

1.The final chord of the verse must be a I chord and
last for at least three beats.

2. The first chord of the chorus must also be a I chord.

For example: In G Major....the I (one) chord is GBD.

Description of the Fill-In Idea: (occurs in final measure
of verse)

On Beat #3...

1. Play a IV chord in the right hand

2. Play the V note of G Major in the left hand for the bass note
( note: D )

This creates the chord notation: IV/V

Editor notes for today's example:

After the word..."Thee" the right hand plays a "climb the ladder"
fill-in to make an easy transition to the upper register of the piano.

Follow this link to see another example of this fill-in idea:

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