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Accompanying the vocalist is one of my
favorite things to play for in a church service.
I'm able to stray from the melody and just play
within the chord frame of each measure.
Chesney, is one of my voice students. The Lord
has blessed her with the ability to sing and play
the piano.
I appreciate her sweet and willing spirit to
serve the Lord through music.
I had Chesney sing this song to allow me to share
with you all...accompaniment ideas for the vocalist.
The song, "Come Thou Fount" has a busy melody
line! This means less movement for the pianist;
using more of a chording style.
Notice the introduction has a hint of the melody
but doesn't use the typical introduction.
(Meaning....the first and last phrase of the song.)
The interlude before the last verse allows the singer
a chance to get his or her breath. :)
Youtube video link: