(ii 7 can replace a IV chord or vice versa!)
Ok, let’s use Key of C to establish the above mentioned chords.
What’s the 2nd note in the Key of C? D
Therefore the ii 7 chord = DFAC (the C is the 7th note above the note D)
What’s the 4th note in the key of C? F (Correct!)
Therefore the IV chord = FAC
Notice how the ii 7 and IV chord have several notes in common. They both have the notes: FAC.
This is why they can interact and substitute each other!
The result is a richer, warmer sound!
(The left hand plays the ii 7 )
When to substitute the IV with a ii 7 : When the IV chord lasts for 3 or more beats. Most of the
substitutions will occur on the 3rd beat.
It is Well (last 3 measures) Key of C
Words of these measures: "…well, it is well with my soul."
1st of the last 3 measures:
Beat one and two: as written ( on word: "well" )
Beat three: change to ii 7 ( on the words: "it is" )
Trusting Jesus (2nd sentence) Key of F
The IV chord in the Key of F = Bflat, D, F
The ii 7 chord = G , B flat, D and F
Words of this sentence: "Trusting thru a stormy way;"
Trusting: as written
Thru a: change to ii 7
These chord substitutions will bring the old hymns to life! There are many more chord
substitutions! We will take one at a time to keep things simple.
I will show you a couple more hymns tomorrow with the same chord substitution.
Special Note: Please feel free to leave questions or comments to help me out on
future articles. I need to know your needs! Thanks a bunch!